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Audit & Assurance

Meeting investor expectations begins with the completeness and accuracy of information contained in a company’s financial statements. Hence, Audit and Assurance are the core of any successful and visionary financial set-up. At SMC we view the audit process not merely as an compliance tool but as an opportunity for our clients to learn more about their businesses, minute controls for performance improvement, planning their financial needs well in advance; better equipped to communicate with banks, investors and partners. We provide to clients with objective presentations of their financial information as well as qualified advice and observations wherever applicable. Our audit philosophy is based on integrity, objectivity, independence and strict adherence to all professional standards, regulations and laws. Our services include:

  • Statutory Audit in compliance with the Company's Act and various laws.
  • Assuring the compliance of Indian GAAP, Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) and relevant guidance notes issued by ICAI.
  • Tax Audit as per the provisions of Income-Tax Act.
  • Statutory Audit of Bank Branches
  • Audit assigned by Official Liquidator
  • Stock Audit
  • Audit of Government companies assigned by C&AG.
  • Compliance of Listing Agreements with Exchanges.
  • Certification of various financial information.
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